Keep Your Skin Healthy Hydrated this summer

How to keep your skin healthy, hydrated and protected this summer

While it’s important to keep your skin healthy, hydrated and protected all year round, it can be a particular challenge in the summer. Excessive sun exposure is the number one preventable cause of skin cancer. – the World Health Organisation (WHO) predicts as many as four out of five cases could be avoided. Here’s what…

How to maintain an active lifestyle in retirement

How to maintain an active lifestyle in retirement

To make the most out of a well-earned retirement it is important to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. Exercise regularly There are countless studies linking exercise to a lower risk of various diseases and conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, depression, hip fractures and dementia. It can even decrease the risk of all-cause mortality…

Drinking alcohol could shorten your life by four to five years

Drinking alcohol could shorten your life by four to five years

People who regularly down more than eighteen alcoholic drinks a week could be cutting their lifespan by four to five years, according to a study published in The Lancet. Researchers built a model to compare the drinking habits to the health of 600,000 volunteers in 19 countries, calculating how long a person could expect to…

Morning Larks Live Longer Than Night Owls

Morning larks live longer than night owls, study suggests

People who call themselves night owls may be at greater risk of early death compared to morning people. That is according to a study recently published in the journal Chronobiology International, which tracked 433,268 people aged 38 to 73 years old for six and a half years. Each person rated themselves as either a “definite…

Stop Smoking

Stop smoking services help you quit

Local stop smoking services are free, friendly and can massively boost your chances of quitting for good. Did you know that wherever you live in the UK, you have easy access to a free service proven to help you stop smoking? Local stop smoking services staffed by expert advisers provide a range of proven methods to help you quit. They will give you accurate information…